9 ways to boost your energy


Energy is something we all want more of right? Without it is difficult to do anything really.  There are so many things we can be doing on a daily basis to ensure we are keeping that good energy flow. There will always be days where you may have lower energy for various reasons, below are some hacks to help you maintain that good energy on a regular basis.

1. Liquid before lunch. I start every morning with a smoothie, in it goes my fruit, vegetables and my multivitamin powder. You can also choose to have some warm oats if you tolerate grains  and like a warm breakfast during the colder months. Both these options are easy for your body to digest, requires little energy which in return gives you more! 

2. Stretch your body daily. Getting into the habit of practicing stretches throughout the day can increase oxygen flow in the body, flexibility and  lengthens the muscle tissue to a normal length. 

3. Avoid snacking and overeating. Most of us do best with having 3 meals a day. By having 3 meals a day your blood sugar has a chance to stabilize and  your body isn't having to use energy on constantly digesting food. 

4. Limit alcohol. Sorry to be a party popper but alcohol is toxic and it's not good for you! Enjoy some alcohol on occasion in good company but don't over consume. Alcohol dampens our nervous system which may make you fall asleep faster but you wont get into a deep restorative sleep. We end up waking more often which in return makes you feel sluggish the next day not to mention it lowers our immune system over time. 

5. Create good habits and routines. Routine is a bit of a boring word but most of us achieve and do really well having good routines on things we do daily. This could be getting your clothes ready the night before, meal plan for the week ahead, creating a morning routine to set yourself up for a good day. By creating good habits it removes additional stress in your mind and gives you energy for other things. You will feel you are accomplishing more because you aren't spending time on the day to day things.  


Earthing or grounding is a great way to increase our negative ions (antioxidants) in our body.

6. Take those shoes off and walk on the earth. Earthing or grounding is a great way to increase our negative ions (antioxidants) in our body. Walk bare feet on grass or near the water edge on the beach. This can help calm the sympathetic nervous system, improve sleep and reduce cortisol levels.

7. Dry brush before you get in the showers in the morning. Dry brushing is an old Ayurvedic practice that can help get the lymph and circulation going. There are many tutorials on you tube on how to do this but a good rule is to move wrists to armpit, ankles to groins and use a light pressure.

8. Turn off your WiFi when not in use and at night. EMF (electromagnetic fields) based radiation can affect your sleep, make your sleeping area a EMF free zone by turning your phone to flight mode and your WiFi off at night. 

9. Eliminate the top food sensitivities. Food sensitivities in the form of IGG is a delayed response to foods up to 72 hours after consuming the food. The top foods most are sensitive to are gluten, dairy, eggs and nuts. When we constantly eat foods that are body is sensitive to we can show symptoms of fatigue, headaches, brain fog, mood swings and bloating. 

Please note all the information above is intended as health education, it does not treat cure or prevent disease.